Please note that the membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. If you join at any point in the year before 1st October, your membership payment will be applied to the current year, and you will be due to renew to following January (if you pay for one year.) For example, if you pay for a single year on 15th August 2023, your membership payment will be applied to the 2023 membership year, and you will be due for renewal on 1st January 2024. Using the same example, if you paid for three years on 15th August 2023, the years covered would be 2023, 2024, and 2025, with a renewal of 1st January 2026.
Please be advised that ACWW have recently changed banks. If you send donations or membership dues via BACS transfer or direct debit, please contact us and we will gladly share the new details.