The ACWW Board invites your society to really get involved with ACWW globally, get to know your Area President and help her develop the network in her area.
In 2022 the Board issued a call to all ACWW Member Societies to nominate an ACWW Coordinator to ensure your society stays up to date with the latest ACWW news and activities, and to give feedback on issues of local importance, raising local voices to an international level.
Our aim is to have a contact person in each Member Society (at local, regional, and national levels) to be a genuine and diverse representation of our total membership. Coordinators promote ACWW within their own society and will have regular opportunities to meet online with members of the Board.
ACWW’s Board of Trustees is elected by the membership at the Triennial World Conference. They take decisions and run the organisation with staff in Central Office carrying out the day-to-day work. ACWW Coordinators are volunteers who should be an individual member of ACWW and are required to sign up to a Code of Conduct to ensure that ACWW is effective, open, and accountable both in the way ACWW is represented and what is to be expected from ACWW.
The nomination form needs to be sent in by the Member Society. It is vital that the governing body of the society is happy that the proposed Coordinator will be able to fulfil her responsibilities and accurately reflect her society’s needs and priorities.
Please note that each Member Society may nominate one Coordinator. If there are personnel changes ACWW needs to be kept up to date with who is stopping and a new nomination form needs to be sent if another person is to be nominated.
We know that some Member Societies already have an international officer or WI Rep who function in a similar role to the coordinators as outlined here. They may wish to nominate that person as an ACWW Coordinator to have access to the resources, support and network associated with the ACWW Coordinator programme.
We have a wide range of resources for coordinators to use in their own local advocacy, awareness-raising, and activities.
Please use the link below to renew your Membership and complete a payment using the secure platform
Associated Country Women of the World
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR
Please be advised that ACWW have recently changed banks. If you send donations or membership dues via BACS transfer or direct debit, please contact us and we will gladly share the new details.