Leaders of all genders, ages and backgrounds join their voices to celebrate women’s leadership. We take stock of the major challenges still barring women's paths to leadership, and ask our guests to share stories and lessons learned to build new ways to lead the world.
Did you know that according to the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), women in rural areas are 14% to 34% less likely to own land than men in 2023? They are also more likely to be employed in low-paying and informal jobs, earning on average 34% less than their male counterparts.
In this episode, four fantastic leaders Nakirya Brenda Doreen , Managing director and Co-founder of Community Concerns Uganda (Uganda); Afrodita Roman, Trustee and area President for ACWW Europe and President of Associata Femeia Mileniului III (Romania); Lilian Falealuga Tine, Board director for the Tuvalu Post Limited and former Interim Coordinator of Tuvalu National Council of Women (Tuvalu); and Keithlin Caroo-Afrifa, Founder and Executive Director at Helen’s Daughters (Saint Lucia) share their good practices, and recommendations to address the specific challenges faced by women in rural areas. From mentoring and empowering women and girls by providing them with education programmes, to fighting against persisting gender barriers in politics, and drawing inspiration from elders, our guests inspire a broader understanding of inclusive leadership and highlight the power of women in shaping a more equitable future.
The ideas and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests; they are not necessarily those of UNESCO and do not commit the Organization.
Created and developed by Garance Sarlat and Nick Newland,
Edited by Nick Newland and Juliette Solesse,
Produced by Emmanuel Rudowski,
7 March 2025
Managing director and Co-founder of Community Concerns Uganda
Trustee and Area President for ACWW Europe and President of Associata Femeia Mileniului III
Board director for the Tuvalu Post Limited and former Interim Coordinator of Tuvalu National Council of Women
Founder and Executive Director at Helen’s Daughters
Join us as we welcome three women leaders reshaping the landscape of diplomacy and politics. This episode features Ambassador Christina Kokkinakis, Permanent Representative of the European Union to the OECD and UNESCO; Minister Nancy Shukri, Minister of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia; and Ambassador Unnur Orradóttir-Ramette, Ambassador of Iceland to France, Permanent Delegate of Iceland to the OECD and UNESCO. While women represent only 20% of global ambassadors and representatives, this episode provides a platform for women leaders to share their personal experiences, challenges, and good practices. Through Ambassador Kokkinakis’ experience in Austria's external services and EU administration, Minister Shukri’s work to transform both policies and mentalities, and Ambassador Orradóttir-Ramette’s reflections on her journey and the childhood experiences that shaped her career, we explore the transformative power of women's leadership in advancing gender equality worldwide.
Created and developed by Garance Sarlat and Nick Newland,
Edited by Nick Newland and Juliette Solesse,
Produced by Emmanuel Rudowski, Recorded at UNESCO Headquarters.
31 October 2024
Permanent Representative of the European Union to the OECD and UNESCO
Minister of Women, Family and Community Development of Malaysia
Ambassador of Iceland to France, Permanent Delegate of Iceland to the OECD and UNESCO
Join Benny Bonsu, Félicité Rwemarika, Emma Oudiou, and Jessica Hayon as we delve into the importance of Olympic norms and values – excellence, respect, and friendship – for women’s leadership. In this episode, our guests share their experiences within the sports industry, where women and girls continue to face gender-based discrimination, violence, unequal recognition and pay, and call on the responsibility of the whole sports community and beyond to make a change. With perspectives of decision-makers, practitioners and exceptional athletes, this episode advocates for a more diverse and inclusive world of sport and demonstrates its crucial role as a driver of women’s empowerment.
Created and developed by Garance Sarlat and Nick Newland, with the support of Nancy McLennan and Victoire Aimée,
Edited by Juliette Solesse, Produced by Emmanuel Rudowski,
Recorded at UNESCO Headquaters
26 July 2024
Director of Daily Content at Olympics.com & Olympic Channel
International Olympic Committee Member, Founder of the Association of Kigali Women in Sports
Former top-level international runner and member of the French National Athletics Team, Gender Equality Advocate
American Parathlete, Apparel Industry Professional
Meet powerful leaders Desirée Cormier Smith, US Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice; Bushra Ahmed, Board member of the Lloyds Bank Foundation and CSW68 Delegate; and Agnes Siteya, Director at Beats for Beads and Massai Community leader. Join the conversation as we explore what drives and inspires them, and what obstacles they tackle every day. From the ethics of artificial intelligence and leveraging the power of sorority to the climate change-related challenges faced by women in the Mara, this episode is not to be missed! Subscribe and amplify the voices of women leaders.
Created and developed by Garance Sarlat, Nick Newland, and Juliette Solesse,
Produced and edited by Emmanuel Rudowski, Recorded at UNESCO Headquarters.
19 June 2024
US Special Representative for Racial Equity and Justice
Board member of the Lloyds Bank Foundation and CSW68 Delegate
Director at Beats for Beads and Massai Community leader
Guided by the Philosophy and Management of Social Transformations programmes of UNESCO, this new episode gives the floor to inspiring women thought leaders: Nastassja Pugliese, Kathryn Sophia Belle, and Divya Dwivedi, to discuss how concepts of gender and leadership shape each other and how traditional understandings of leadership have overlooked and dismissed women's potential. To empower women in and through philosophy, this episode sheds light on hidden figures of women in the history of thought leadership, those who deserve more recognition today, and calls for more women leading our world's critical thinking. Dust off your philosophy books and join the conversation to learn from women’s perspectives and foster change in thought leadership!
Created and developed by Garance Sarlat and Nick Newland with the support of Emmanuel Rudowski, Camille Guinet and Juliette Solesse. Produced and edited by Nick Newland, Recorded at UNESCO Headquarters.
21 May 2024
Philosopher, Assistant Professor of Philosophy at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Philosopher, Founder of the Collegium of Black Women Philosophers, Founder and Owner of La Vie Belle Academy
Philosopher, Author, Associate Professor at The Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
In this second episode, we delve deeper into the journeys and insights of our guests to offer actionable takeaways for aspiring women leaders all over the world. Blanca Jiménez Cisneros (Ambassador of Mexico to France) shares inspiring perspectives on the role of gender equality in shaping diplomatic endeavours and on challenges faced by women scientists. Tugrug Uugan-Erdene (Director of Sain Tus Development Bridge NGO, Mongolia) discusses the role of grassroots advocacy and intergenerational dialogue in tackling gender-based violence and climate change with Mongolian nomadic communities. Her daughter, Khongorzul Batsukh, discusses youth leadership training, and the importance of role models in inspiring future generations. Judith Juma (Advocate of the High Court of Kenya and Co-Founder of the Social Justice League, Kenya) digs into her expertise as a human rights advocate and presents her documentary film on women in politics in Kenya. Subscribe and join our conversation to build leadership for equality!
Created and developed by Nick Newland and Garance Sarlat with Juliette Solesse. Produced and edited by Emmanuel Rudowski, Recorded at UNESCO Headquarters and live during the 68th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.
8 April 2024
Ambassador of Mexico to France
Sain Tus Development Bridge NGO, Mongolia
Co-Founder of the Social Justice League, Kenya
In 2024, why should we continue to argue for gender equality in leadership?
In this episode, Gabriela Ramos (Assistant-Director General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO), Magdie de Kock (World President of the Associated Country Women of the World) and Rosie Agoi (Secretary-General of the Ugandan National Commission for UNESCO) advocate for a change of mindsets and policies. From the power of role models and self-confidence to the need of concrete actions from Governments and civil society organisations, this first episode sets the goals of the podcast: to amplify the voices of women leaders and empower younger generations around the world. Embark with us on a journey through the UN system and grassroots civil society engagement to discuss how women’s leadership turns personal empowerment into positive outcomes for all.
Created and developed by Nick Newland and Garance Sarlat with Juliette Solesse. Produced and edited by Emmanuel Rudowski. Recorded at UNESCO Headquarters
08 March 2024
Assistant-Director General for Social and Human Sciences of UNESCO
World President of the Associated Country Women of the World
Secretary-General of the Ugandan National Commission for UNESCO
Associated Country Women of the World
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR
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