ACWW has produced this pack for you to use for local advocacy - you can print them off (the PDF version will size to fit on any size of paper, wherever you are in the world) and use them as posters, you can share them on social media, you can use them to send to your local politicians, share with friends and family, take to local libraries... whatever you can do locally to raise awareness of gender-based violence.
Convention on the Elimination of Descrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (pdf)
DownloadUniversal Declaration on Human Rights (pdf)
DownloadUN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (pdf)
DownloadUN Declaration on the Rights of Peasants (pdf)
DownloadConvention & Protocol on the Status of Refugees (pdf)
DownloadMain Leaflet 2023 (pdf)
DownloadMain Leaflet 2023 (Print Ready) (pdf)
DownloadACWW & Food Security (pdf)
DownloadACWW Food Security - US Format (pdf)
DownloadWWTW Pack 2023 (pdf)
DownloadStrategic Plan 2022-2026 - UK Format (pdf)
DownloadStrategic Plan 2022-2026 - US/Canada (pdf)
Download16 Days of Activism 2022 (pdf)
DownloadResolutions & Recommendations (pdf)
DownloadACWW and the SDGs (pdf)
DownloadReport of Work - 2019-2023 (pdf)
DownloadReport of Work - 2013-2019 (pdf)
DownloadReport of Work - 2013-2016 (pdf)
DownloadBeiging +25 Banner (pdf)
DownloadFood Loss and Waste 2024 Flyer (pdf)
DownloadProject Fact File: Ntengwe, Zimbabwe (pdf)
DownloadProject Fact File: Youth with Focus, Uganda (pdf)
DownloadProject Fact File: Sain Tus, Mongolia (pdf)
DownloadAgriculture Snapshot (pdf)
DownloadEducation Snapshot (pdf)
DownloadWomens Health Snapshot (pdf)
DownloadFinal Report 1042 - Sexual and Reproductive Health Education (pdf)
DownloadThis video includes audio as well as the words to all 3 verses
ACWW World President Magdie de Kock
James Bridge - Secretary General, UK National Commission for UNESCO
An official Side Event at CSW66 with the Government of Canada
ACWW Deputy World President Irene Chinje
Associated Country Women of the World
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR
Please be advised that ACWW have recently changed banks. If you send donations or membership dues via BACS transfer or direct debit, please contact us and we will gladly share the new details.