...was founded in 1929 to bring together rural women and their organisations all over the world, and in so doing address the challenges they faced as a result of the isolation of their communities, discrimination against women, and their lack of standing in political processes.
ACWW’s membership spans 82 countries, and since 1947 we have passed more than 180 policy resolutions by popular vote. The key concept behind each of these is the empowerment of rural women in all their diversity. This continues to be our driving priority.
Rural Women are the backbone of families, communities, and nations, but they suffer the worst impacts of climate change and conflict, go unheard in legislation, and remain unprotected and unsupported.
Reaffirming the words of our founders and the statements that lead to the formation of our organisation, ACWW calls for co-operation among women’s organisations to ensure action to secure meaningful, quality education for all young people. The advancement of education is a pathway to the relief of poverty and the relief of sickness and preservation of health.
Our work is rooted in the fundamental principles of human rights, and we work on behalf of those left furthest behind. ACWW stands against discrimination in all its forms, and works towards gender equality, accessibility, global citizenship, solidarity with those facing discrimination, and sustainable development.
We will work with peers to redress racial inequalities and leverage our partnerships to ensure positive joint working, promoting, sharing, and learning from best practice wherever possible to encourage greater accountability and advocate for meaningful change. ACWW commits to being an anti-racist organisation, and aims to equip all members to address racism within their own communities and collaborate to ensure that the voices of women of colour and indigenous communities are heard.
Remembering the resolution passed by our Membership in 1947 and the more than 20 resolutions and recommendations that have followed, ACWW reaffirms its support for the principles underlying the establishment of the United Nations, and to supporting the UN and its Member States in strengthening global governance and representation. This includes realising the success of the 2030 Agenda, amplifying the voices of rural women through UN processes and with UN agencies, and calling for reform to address the inadequacies of existing mechanisms.
ACWW’s development programme for improved quality of life and the empowerment of rural women relies on funding local women-led delivery partners. This ensures that local voices are reflected in project design, implementation, and outcome assessment. We will continue this work, doing everything we can to ensure we are supporting the growth of relevant local capacity with a sustained and positive impact.
We are incredibly proud of our diverse global network of women’s organisations, and the women-led development projects we have supported over the past 50 years. We recognise that there are more lessons to be learned, new voices to bring forward and hard work to be done to strengthen, empower, and build capacity within our network. ACWW’s Board is elected by our membership, and geographic representation remains critical to bringing forward the priorities of rural women.
Associated Country Women of the World
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR
Please be advised that ACWW have recently changed banks. If you send donations or membership dues via BACS transfer or direct debit, please contact us and we will gladly share the new details.