In each Triennium, ACWW’s nine global areas will organise an Area Conference. Under the auspieces of the Area President and hosted by a Member Hostess Society, the Conference is the opportunity for all Member Societies (Categories 1, 2, 3, and 4) in the Area to hear updates, bring and share their own work and opinions, raise any concerns, ask any questions, and reaffirm their commitment to the work of ACWW.
Information on each of the Area Conferences will be posted on this page in due course. Please note that Area Conferences are organised by the relevant Area President and a coordinating Hostess Committee, not ACWW Central Office.
Associated Country Women of the World
The Foundry, 17 Oval Way, London SE11 5RR
Please be advised that ACWW have recently changed banks. If you send donations or membership dues via BACS transfer or direct debit, please contact us and we will gladly share the new details.